EV Charging Power Management Options
Multiple Options for Power Management only from NovaCHARGE!
If your site is going to handle charging for multiple EV's effectively and efficiently, then read on about our innovative options.
Electric vehicle charging power or load management is the term for balancing the demand for energy throughout the day. Power management reduces energy usage during peak demand periods, reducing the burden on the grid. At the same time, it optimizes EV charging.
At a high level, power management creates equilibrium among power demand across multiple sites like individual charging ports, fleet depots, residential buildings, or public parking lots.
At the usage level, power management shifts the charging session for a single charge point to a time when energy is less expensive. When cars use multiple charge points, power management balances the power to ensure that vehicles are charged efficiently.
Power management maximizes charging site efficiency and customer satisfaction by ensuring that each charge point has the right amount of energy to service each vehicle. EV charging power management ensures that the grid can charge every car on time 24/7.
NovaCHARGE innovation supports power management and demand response, offering complete flexibility in multiple options. All powered by ChargeUP, our next-generation charging platform management system.
Experience Optimum Flexibility, Visibility, and EV Charging Station Control!
Three Options for Power Management
- Fixed Hardware Power Limiting: Only limiting a charger’s total output, for example, restricting a 40A charger to just 32A.
Dynamic Local Power Management: For dynamically load balancing multiple chargers on a single panel, allowing the entire bank to power up and down as long as the total capacity of the panel is not exceeded.
Virtual Circuit Technology: This is a cloud version of Dynamic Local Power Management, allowing power management of any number of open standard OCPP-compliant chargers across any number of panels, transformers, geographic regions, etc. Furthermore, this can connect to DERMS or ADR APIs to allow external input and control.
Power management is for utilities, fleets, multi-dwelling units, and any other location with limited available power
The three different power management options each have unique benefits in specific circumstances and may be used in conjunction with each other
Virtual Circuit Technology (VCT) provides enhanced and sophisticated multi-level cloud power management to locations with limited power available for open standard OCPP-compliant EV chargers running on the ChargeUP platform.
With VCT, the power demand from the chargers will not exceed the infrastructure’s limitations no matter the time of day, ensuring that no driver is left without a charge and that the infrastructure is not overloaded
Innovative Power Management
NovaCHARGE Virtual Circuit Technology
What is VCT?
VCT stands for Virtual Circuit Technology, which is a multi-level power cloud management technology that ensures that the open standard OCPP-compliant EV chargers are not overloading the grid from which they pull power. VCT also allows customers to limit the total power utilized by their entire charger deployment at any time of day, even when sufficient grid power is available.
What makes VCT different than other power management options?
VCT is different in that it can control numerous open standard OCPP-compliant EV chargers even if they are not powered by the same panel or are in entirely different locations. VCT can manage EV charger power across any number of panels, transformers, geographic regions, etc.
Why is this important for EV charging hosts to have?
This is crucial for EV charging hosts to implement with their chargers to ensure that their EV charger power is managed appropriately to avoid overloading the grid, even if the chargers are not on the same panel or in the same geographic area.
Who should be using VCT?
Any location looking to offer EV charging and worried about overloading their existing infrastructure due to limited available power should be using VCT. Similarly, any location looking to limit the total power utilized by their EV charging deployment can benefit from VCT.
What applications benefit most from VCT?
Any location with limited available power and EV chargers will benefit from VCT.
Locations looking to install new or additional EV chargers but without sufficient electrical infrastructure who can leverage VCT to install the desired number of chargers and manage their power until the electrical infrastructure can be upgraded.
Locations that wish to limit the total power draw of their entire EV charger deployment 24/7, during specific times of day, or in conjunction with smart metering and control systems.
We'll Help You Design the Optimum EV Charging Solution

Utility Owned EV Charging Stations Require Next-Generation, Sophisticated
Demand Response Participation Models
Frequently Asked Questions
How does installation work?
Use your preferred local installation vendor or NovaCHARGE® will bring in vetted professionals to ensure that your site can be optimized for EV charging. Installation decisions are based on factors such as the capacity of the electrical service as well as the practical layout of the property.
Will I have to do construction?
That depends on the solutions you choose and existing infrastructure. Preparing for an increase in EV drivers by making additional parking spaces EV-ready with conduit and electrical wiring connected to a power source. Installing multiple units at once can lead to a lower per-unit cost.
How to Improve ROI (return on investment)?
Create revenue with different payment models including per hour, session, or kWh, and for idling. The NovaCHARGE ChargeUP® nextgen management system lets you control and adjust billing so that you can scale and adapt to changing usage and demands. Also, our dynamic power optimization software enables 3x more chargers to be installed without upgrading electrical capacity.
Are incentives available?
Yes. While this varies by area and use, we’ll help you find and take advantage of local, regional and federal incentives.