NovaCHARGE Plays Pivotal Role in Orlando EV Charging Mobility Hub
Jul 25, 2023 | 1 MIN READ
NovaCHARGE is pleased to announce its role in a major step forward for EV charging in the heart of the Sunshine State, Orlando.
This morning, the Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) hosted a grand opening ceremony for the Robinson Recharge Mobility Hub in downtown Orlando. A huge achievement for EV charging infrastructure, this collaborative effort becomes one of the largest electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the state of Florida, featuring 20 high-speed EV chargers which can be used for all makes of EVs.
With teams from the city of Orlando (including the mayor and city council representatives), OUC, Power Electronics, and NovaCHARGE working together, the project is an exciting step forward in sustainability and transportation electrification goals. It will help provide a massive boost to EV charging infrastructure in a region already investing in EV adoption efforts.
The hub is part of OUC’s $45 million commitment to support EV charging initiatives and infrastructure. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) provided an additional grant of $500,000 to help pay for the hub.
Truly a collaborative effort that both marks and honors the collective efforts within the EV charging industry, it partners EV charging manufacturer Power Electronics, the City of Orlando and Orange County, CHA Engineering, Aireko Construction, and Orlando-based NovaCHARGE. NovaCHARGE will provide its powerful charging platform management system (CPMS) ChargeUP for point-of-sale charging transaction management.
NovaCHARGE is pleased to be a part of such a groundbreaking step and proud that its efforts to build one of the most robust, reliable, and versatile charging applications on the market has been recognized by EV charging leaders and stakeholders.
The Orlando area is truly creating a blueprint not only for this region but for others as well. Collaborative efforts between private and public organizations can help us build a more sustainable future and NovaCHARGE is thrilled to be a part of the rEVolution and this landmark facility.