NovaCHARGE Added to North Carolina eProcurement Program
Sep 15, 2023 | 1 MIN READ
NovaCHARGE, a leading company in EV charging solutions for public, private, municipal and fleet applications, is proud to announce that our company has been added to the state of North Carolina's eProcurement system for all municipalities and state agencies. This helps to make NovaCHARGE's reliable EV infrastructure solutions available to all state-owned facilities—including state universities, local government buildings, and state-owned community colleges.
Poised to Help Drive Reliable EV Infrastructure Growth
Through the NC eProcurement system, NovaCHARGE is poised to help communities across the state of North Carolina improve their EV infrastructure and EV driver experience with ultra reliable charging stations, software, and logistics consultations at the best prices available.
The eProcurement system has registered over 6.97 million purchase orders with a value of more than $66 billion. The NovaCHARGE team looks forward to helping state entities in North Carolina deliver lifetime value with open standards-based EV charging solutions for the state’s constituents to keep up with the growing demand for EV infrastructure.
We look forward to helping the state of North Carolina deliver a greener, more efficient future for its citizens.